R U ready ?

R U ready for what Raluca FILIP at facebook.com/ProManagementConsultant is organising?

Open Resources Project Press Release

You don’t wait for the change, you make it. Like revolutions.   Iaşi, 24th of May 2015 An independent consultant from Iasi offers for a month, between 15th of May and 14th of June, gathered in time resources about what it is and how the change is made in the Romanian Public Administration of 2015. […]

Your Badass Easter

You are tough. Your competitors know you’re tough. Your staff know you’re tough. That is why you are top of the list. King of the hill. Lord of the strings. Keep going, your organization is the coolest of them all! If you have any doubt, though, if you feel that the Organizational Culture gives signs […]

26 March Event Communication

Comunicare Eveniment Operatiunea de conectare a Administratiei cu Publicul Nou Nume de Cod: Reteaua  Iaşi, 27 martie 2015 Ieri, 26 martie 2015, s-a realizat al doilea pas al „Operatiunii de conectare a Administratiei cu Publicul Nou” – Pasul 2: Trecerea PRagului Sesiunea de Networking desfasurata ieri face parte dintr-o serie de intalniri gandite, planificate si […]

Step2: Crossing the Limit Networking session between Public Administration Professional and Marketing Specialists March 26

Towards equilibrium!

React, you don’t have to be ashame of other people’s rudeness. The consequence of the shame of taking them down is the public and private space invasion.