The code of behaviour

There should be some simple rules for the employees of Public Relations departments to respect, and why not, any clerk who comes into direct contact with the citizens:

  1. Answer to the greeting of the person who enters the room – in case you don’t see that person first to welcome her.
  2. Be kind and show understanding. Do not give the impression you are bothered.
  3. Do not treat differently according to appearances (I call it “torn” discrimination). If a non-discriminatory behaviour is not at ease, then start from the premise that you may never know who stands in front of you.
  4. The students who have practical work, those on probation or recently employed people will be treated like colleagues with less experience – so with all necessary attention and consideration. Don’t forget that nobody is born educated!
  5. Identifying the publics connected to the organization (stakeholders) and building a map of them because these will be (or are) the main objective of the communication programmes conceived by the experts in Public Relations.
  6. You are a part of the organization, neither the most important one nor the least important one – a package of muscles in a living body! Consequently, the collaboration with colleagues from other departments is essential for the life of the organization.
  7. If the request is made by phone, TAKE A NOTE of the details, in order to be able to find the most suitable and explanatory materials. If it is a vast work, phone back and let the petitioner know about the progress and if you ask a colleague to phone for you, CHECK if he did it.
  8. Don’t show on TV, at the radio or in front of the press unprepared and don’t let anybody from the organization do it. There is nothing worse than improvisation, because for the media there is nothing “off the record”; everything is recorded.
  9. The language used must be as clear and simple as possible; avoid specialty vocabulary accompanied or not by a superior attitude.
  10. Smile! It is more important than you may think and it is vital for a job in Public Relations, and even more in Public Administration.

  By Raluca Filip Iasi