The crisis plan

Public Relations represent the responsibility of those who take decisions. Only if top management appreciates correctly the importance of this activity, it can bring a maximum contribution to its efficiency. Sir John Harvey-Jones declared that the main activities that a president or director should deal with are strategic planning and Public Relations. He should personally […]

Handbook of Public Relations

Producing a handbook of Public Relations for the organization is one of the most efficient methods of increasing the quality and consistency of the organization’s communication. There is certainly a handbook of financial operations that is probably treated with a degree of respect by the managers centered on profit. There should be the same status […]

The code of behaviour

There should be some simple rules for the employees of Public Relations departments to respect, and why not, any clerk who comes into direct contact with the citizens: Answer to the greeting of the person who enters the room – in case you don’t see that person first to welcome her. Be kind and show […]

Public Relations for Public Relations

“Public Relations for Public Relations”  Top-management must be aware of and educated in connection with Public Relations, that’s why there are necessary: courses of relations with the media at business and administration schools (future managers are aware of the communication credibility); education of the business community; founding professional associations from Public Relations. Training in communication […]

Public Relations, an essential responsibility of top management

Public Relations are an essential responsibility of top management, in my opinion – not an optional one or a function that can be delegated. The policy must be decided – and sustained – from the top. Good Public Relations need thinking, planning and organization. No manager can claim that he has “natural” Public Relations abilities […]

Using Public Relations agencies

Advantages in using Public Relations agencies The partners from the agency are independent and are thus able to give neutral advice. There is also a strong but wrongly guided tendency to respect the advice that comes from the outside, preferring it to the one that is as good or even better from the inside. The […]

The own Public Relations department

Advantages of the own department of Public Relations The chief of Public Relations should have regular and direct access to the top management and this is obviously easier when everybody is in the same building; The staff is better trained to answer quickly to the press and to look for supplementary information in other departments, […]

The hatching hen

Have you met a “hatching hen”? You surely did. You had to deal with this character. Let me describe you my hatching hen:            1.The hatching hen can be a woman or a man, of any age. – s/he has a neutral expression on her/his face (poker face), no matter what […]

Public Relations Pro`s key role

There is a major strategic role of Public Relations in an organization. Public Relations professionals may play a key role by gathering and interpreting information from inside and outside the organization and by presenting them as a strategy. On its basis the organization may adapt, change or initiate a dialogue so that it assures the […]

The spokesman

  The majority of thepeople in leading positions (more or less important, politicians or clerks) in Public Administration in Romania think they are good at everything, including at Public Relations. They don’t know how to build teams (to surround themselves) of skilled people (in different fields) to work with.  Many institutions don’t even have a […]